April 2024 Member’s Meeting
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Stephanie Jenkins at 7:40pm. There were 6 members present. The pledge of allegiance was said. We took a moment of silence for all sick, passed, and always remember our military.
Vice President requests a report be given from March minutes to be given:
Andy Haddix read the minutes.
Vice President asked for the treasurer report from March meeting to be given:
Andy Haddix read the treasurer report.
Vice President gave a report from April Board meeting.
Just a friendly reminder, that if you don’t keep your lot mowed and cleaned there is a $40.00 mowing & cleaning fee that will be added to your lot rent.
Picnic tables for the west side of the club house need new boards.
Cleanup day April 20th
The picnic table on the west side of the club house is done and the work and materials were donated by Ted & Kim Stucker.
Ice maker is up and running Thanks to Jerry & Erik, A bag of Ice is $2.00, put the money in the marked envelope and put in the mail slot.
Both barns were painted.
There was a lot of wood split up for all to use.
The electric was fixed on lot D&C
Dates to Remember:
Always check out website events page for the most up-to-date information. https://www.whiteriverfishingclub.com/events
May 25th - Corn-hole tournament at noon, plus bingo around 6pm.
June 15th - Pitch-in on food plus euchre tournament 6pm.
July 6th - Poker tournament
August 31st - Club Party
September 8th - Golf outing
September 21st - Yard sale
October 19th - Adult Halloween party 6:00pm
November 1st - All water to the camp sights will be turned off.
November 9th - Chili & soup contest
November 13th - Nominations for Board and 2025 membership fees due
December 11th - Voting and 2025 membership dues from 11am to 7pm
Meeting Adjourned: 800 pm